"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into heaven." - Matthew 19.24
People in Jesus day believed that wealthy people were spiritually better than the rest of the folk. One of the reasons was alms-giving. It was one of the responsibilities taught by the Pharisees as incumbent upon all Jews. You built your resume as a righteous man by systematically giving to the poor and rich people could give more. In addition, many of the sacrifices required in the Temple and other activities of devotion came more easily to the wealthy than the poor - because they had the resources of both time and of money. Poorer people might enjoy God's favor, what their entrance into the kingdom of heaven was more problematic.
Jesus said, "No, you have it wrong." It is precisely our material possessions and earthly position that make faithfulness to God difficult. We have more to give up in order to be obedient, sacrificial, trusting and under God's control and that "more" urges us not to let go.
A camel was a cumbersome animal when it was asked to do anything but glide across the desert. And when it carried a load on its back,it became even more awkward. The discipline, the control, the work needed to fit oneself through a small gate was a sight of hilarious proportions - and some times there was just not enough room to "wiggle through."
The more complicated the life -- complicated by possessions, personal priorities, etc. - the more difficult it is to give yourself away for Jesus' sake. There's an old proverb that says, "Cleanliness is next to godliness." In reality, simplicity is what is really next to godliness.