Wednesday, November 26, 2014



In just a few hours, I will be celebrating one of my favorite holidays-Thanksgiving.  Dianne and I will be in northern Kentucky with our children and their families to share a day that my nation has wisely set aside to encourage its citizenry to do what my God has called me to do everyday.  To give thanks.

It is a simple holiday made complicated by overcrowded airports, the delicate balancing act between the dinner table and the Big Game on the big screen TV, and the rush to finish everything so that a place can be claimed in a Walmart parking lot for Black Friday's bargains (or is now, Black Thursday Evening),

Nonetheless, God's Word teaches us that we are to be thankful people--thankful for those who bless, thankful for what we have been blessed with, and thankful to God Who ultimately provides it all.

Colossians another twist.  Our thanks in not expressed simply in our words and prayers--but in how we live, how we work.  Thanksgiving is not relegated to a day.  It is a way of living.

Living in thanks to the God Who gives us life and calls us to share in His work.  Thanksgiving is ultimately at its fullest through thanks living.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014



"They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request. "Sir," they said, "we would like to see Jesus." = John 12:21

Recently I came across this little vignette on-line.  "This morning, Jocelyn took a little Bible I have. She opened it, flipping page after page. She looked up at me and said, "Mom, I know this is the Bible. I know Jesus is in here. I am looking for his picture."

Every day there are people who are looking for Jesus.  Some out of need.  Some out of curiosity.  Some out of a desire to meet the One that so many of us call Savior.  Some out of s desperate need for a Savior.

Where will they see Jesus?

They might see him in the Bible, if they know to open it.

They might see him in a vision, but that is rare and would be unlikely.

There was a day in history that they could walk up to a disciple named Philip and then be ushered into his physical presence.  But that day has passed.

No, God intends people to see Jesus in the lives that our surrendered to his will and are living according to His purpose.

Just as God revealed himself to the world through taking on flesh--what we call the Incarnation; he continues to use incarnation to let people see him.

Only that incarnation is in us.

When people see your life, hear your words, experience your embrace, observe your actions--do they see Jesus?

That's what God intends.  Is that what you are doing?