Thursday, April 23, 2009


Hey Dr. Steve , how's things going? Funny...this devotional comes a day after a very strong message the Holy Spirit had me to preach in our church that somewhat parallels the crisis factor you mention in your devotional. This is a very good devotional and truly does pose a big challenge to every Pastor far and wide. Thanks for issuing the challenge, and Dr. Steve, to answer the last question of this devotional, Am I living in the power of Christ? My response would be a much emphatic yes. I absolutely would have it no other way. Thank you for checking in via this email devotional. I know I'm finished with your class, but your continued feeding will always be welcomed and embraced. Blessings to you and your ministry.

From Steve: Craig is one of my PTI students who subscribes to this devotional via email. We reprint this with his permission.

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