Thursday, April 1, 2010


Reading: John 13

John, chapter 13, records the feetwashing that took place at the Last Supper. When you put all of the accounts together from the four gospels something important emerges. Jesus washed the feet of disciples prior to the communion. Judas left during the communion but he was still present for the feetwashing. This means Jesus washed the feet of the one who was about to betray him.

This adds a whole new significance to this act of servanthood on Jesus' part. He wasn't just washing the feet of the men who he would make the first members of the Body of Christ, but also the one who would reject Jesus and never see that day of fruitfulness.

Servanthood is hard. We easily do it to those who love the Lord. We work a little harder at those who need help but may not be grateful. But washing the feet of one who would stab us in the back, who was an enemy? Perhaps that, too, is what John meant when he said that through this feetwashing Jesus was revealing the full measure of his love.

God's love loves and even serves God's enemies.

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