My oldest granddaughter (pictured here Easter morning with her sister Ashley) just had a birthday--her 14th.
Natalie lives more than 600 miles from me and if I am fortunate I see her (and her family) once a year. A budding author, she has generally had a good email relationship with her grandmother, a school teacher who loves encouraging creative gifts. Over recent years, I have spent little time with her, let alone talking with her. I tend to know more about Natalie from Grandma Dunn or the occasional notes from her mother. Early on I knew she loved horses, no, adored horses. Her Dad had turned her into a golfing partner and a ruthless player of the game Risk. When I saw her, it was often with her faced buried in a book or watching her wrestling with her dog, Popper.
But all that changed when Natalie went on Facebook. It was there I learned of her ambition to be a park ranger. (Grandma knew that already). She is a fan of House and plays in the school band. She is a budding entrepreneur and already packs a level of self-confidence that allows her to deal with adults on behalf of adults. She won essay awards from Rotary and has been a snow queen (or princess) for her community.
One day, the "chat with friends" feature on my Facebook page signaled me. It was Natalie. It was a simple "how are you conversation". But in the weeks and now months that followed we have regularly chatted about our lives, the weather, what each of us is doing. Although her Dad occasionally limits her computer time, Natalie and I have begun to have regular conversation. I may still only see her once a year, and speak to her by phone on birthdays and holidays; but I look forward to discovering with Natalie who she is and who I am.
Most of all I want to learn what she thinks about God, her values and faith. I hope to see the wisdom and passion God has already placed in her. And I hope now I can share with her parents in mentoring her about the life God has given her.
Natalie is a precious daughter of God and I am delighted that perhaps we now have a way across the miles to actually have a relationship. Pray I'll be a better grandfather because of this opportunity.
Grandpa, you are already a wonderful Grandfather, and I;m honored to say that you are. I brag to my friends about you, you can ask them :) Love Always, Natalie <3 (That's a heart)